Sunday, June 6, 2010

Letting Go of Anger

 It's been a couple of days and some things have happened to test who I thought I was becoming. Despite how poorly I have handled some things and lost my temper to say the least,every situation is a learning experience and I am always learning from things in my life. What I have learned today is it doesn't matter how much you know you are right,if someone wrongs you(not my family),if they have enough clout and money they can get whatever they want and you have to let it go. If you hang on to your rightous anger you will be miserable yourself and are only hurting yourself. The other person is not hurting and it takes a lot of character to walk away and be the bigger person. Today I have learned that being the bigger person is hard and it takes a lot to let go of anger. However,it feels good once you do. I will celebrate myself and my family and the love we have for each other. I am becoming who I need to be. Peace and Blessings to all.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Hello and Welcome

This is my 1st blog on here and I just wanted to say a little about myself. As you know from reading the description about this blog I have decided to figure out who I am at this stage in my life. I have a wonderful family whom I love very much but lets admit it ladies,we need time for us also. Not only time for ourselves but time w/ our spouses or significant others. Sometimes as a Mom we get so caught up in the lives of our children that we lose out on time w/ our husbands or significant others be that they be boyfriends or girlfriends. Recently my husband and I started going fishing together,just the 2 of us on his day of during the week. He has Thursdays and Sundays off and usually Sunday is our day with the whole family. Having this time with him is so wonderful. Being able to get away from bills,housework,kids,just for a few hours a week is so great for our relationship. As we have been getting closer I have been also discovering things about myself. Like what is important to me and things I like to do and what I used to like and do. I have found that while I can look back on my younger years and smile, I would not like to be out doing the same things now. I like knowing that my husband is coming home to me,we love ech other and are secure and open with each other. I like knowing that I don't have to look for someone in these trying times,I have the man I will love for the rest of my life. Things have not always been easy,but,they have never really been boring. For the last bit of this 1st blog I will tell you that I have also just started an on-line course in photography. I love taking pictures and will post some that I have taken as this goes along. Peace and Blessings to all.